Blancanieves Levee
Mike Townsend
Edwardo Bu
Haziel Arca
Kimber Bess
Divas LaPp
Rentals were discussed and Edwardo mentioned that he had made a script which easily locates the rental boxes. It would be good to see how this works. At the moment we visit by having folders of the landmarks of each region. Edwardo confirmed that he will be responsible for checking the rentals on the Sunseekers region.
Haziel Arca will now take on his 3rd region - Tropicana Seas. The coastguard sign will be placed in the office there as soon as possible to reflect the fact that Haziel now looks after this region.
Facebook and media was discussed. Blanca had a message from someone requesting that we post less in other Facebook groups but she replied and said that those groups did not have a limit on postings and that no one else had complained. We discussed media and if anyone does want to get more involved in that with Discord, Facebook, You Tube etc then please speak to Blanca or Mike so that we can give you the necessary permissions.
Edwardo is quite keen on the idea of getting to know people through the coastguard role but also with meetings and events. It was suggested by Mike that perhaps we should make more of the Welcome area and have regular flash parties or random parties there when the mood arises and when there are enough of us around.
Everyone was informed about the new Kokomo Swingers Club being prepared on the Tropicana Kokomo region. Foxxy Fawkes has put a lot of effort into this and we can all support her where we can. The details can be found here on our website at Kokomo Swingers.
Blancanieves did a 4 hour DJ slot today at Tropicana Islands and then went on to host a random Happy Hour party at Welcome straight after our meeting. The landing area at Welcome will be changed a little with more comfortable seating and equipped with a dance floor for when we need it.
Additional Note: Silvera Sting, Foxxy Fawkes and JoseMiguel Galicia will be invited to attend the next meeting and subsequent meetings as they are an integral part of Tropicana and their input will be very much appreciated.

Reunión Guardacostas 25/08/2023 – Tropicana VIP
Se discutieron los alquileres y Edwardo mencionó que había hecho un guión que localiza fácilmente las cajas de alquiler. Sería bueno ver cómo funciona esto. Actualmente visitamos teniendo carpetas de los hitos de cada región. Edwardo confirmó que será el responsable de verificar los alquileres en la región de Sunseekers.
Haziel Arca ahora se enfrentará a su tercera región: Tropicana Seas. El cartel de los guardacostas se colocará lo antes posible en la oficina de ese lugar para reflejar que Haziel ahora se ocupa de esta región.
Se habló de Facebook y los medios. Blanca recibió un mensaje de alguien solicitándonos que publiquemos menos en otros grupos de Facebook pero ella respondió y dijo que esos grupos no tenían límite de publicaciones y que nadie más se había quejado. Hablamos de los medios y si alguien quiere involucrarse más en eso con Discord, Facebook, You Tube, etc., hable con Blanca o Mike para que podamos otorgarle los permisos necesarios.
A Edwardo le entusiasma mucho la idea de conocer gente a través del puesto de guardacostas, pero también a través de reuniones y eventos. Mike sugirió que tal vez deberíamos aprovechar más el área de Bienvenida y tener fiestas flash periódicas o fiestas aleatorias allí cuando surja el estado de ánimo y cuando haya suficientes de nosotros alrededor.
Todos fueron informados sobre el nuevo Kokomo Swingers Club que se está preparando en la región de Tropicana Kokomo. Foxxy Fawkes ha puesto mucho esfuerzo en esto y todos podemos apoyarla donde podamos. Los detalles se pueden encontrar aquí en nuestro sitio web en Kokomo Swingers.
Blancanieves actuó hoy como DJ durante 4 horas en Tropicana Islands y luego organizó una fiesta Happy Hour aleatoria en Welcome inmediatamente después de nuestra reunión. La zona de aterrizaje de Welcome se cambiará un poco con asientos más cómodos y se equipará con una pista de baile para cuando la necesitemos.
Nota adicional: Silvera Sting, Foxxy Fawkes y JoseMiguel Galicia serán invitados a asistir a la próxima reunión y a las reuniones posteriores, ya que son una parte integral de Tropicana y sus aportes serán muy apreciados.

Reunião da Guarda Costeira 25/08/2023 - Tropicana VIP
Rentals were discussed and Edwardo mentioned that he had made a script which easily locates the rental boxes. It would be good to see how this works. At the moment we visit by having folders of the landmarks of each region. Edwardo confirmed that he will be responsible for checking the rentals on the Sunseekers region.
Haziel Arca will now take on his 3rd region - Tropicana Seas. The coastguard sign will be placed in the office there as soon as possible to reflect the fact that Haziel now looks after this region.
Facebook and media was discussed. Blanca had a message from someone requesting that we post less in other Facebook groups but she replied and said that those groups did not have a limit on postings and that no one else had complained. We discussed media and if anyone does want to get more involved in that with Discord, Facebook, You Tube etc then please speak to Blanca or Mike so that we can give you the necessary permissions.
Edwardo gosta muito da ideia de conhecer pessoas através da função de guarda costeira, mas também através de reuniões e eventos. Mike sugeriu que talvez devêssemos aproveitar mais a área de boas-vindas e fazer festas relâmpago regulares ou festas aleatórias lá quando estiver com vontade e quando houver um número suficiente de nós por perto.
Todos foram informados sobre o novo Kokomo Swingers Club que está sendo preparado na região Tropicana Kokomo. Foxxy Fawkes se esforçou muito nisso e todos nós podemos apoiá-la onde pudermos. Os detalhes podem ser encontrados aqui em nosso site em Kokomo Swingers.
Blancanieves fez uma apresentação de DJ de 4 horas hoje nas Ilhas Tropicana e depois organizou uma festa aleatória de Happy Hour no Welcome logo após nosso encontro. A área de desembarque do Welcome será um pouco alterada com assentos mais confortáveis e equipada com pista de dança para quando precisarmos.
Nota Adicional: Silvera Sting, Foxxy Fawkes e JoseMiguel Galicia serão convidados a participar da próxima reunião e das reuniões subsequentes, pois são parte integrante da Tropicana e sua contribuição será muito apreciada.