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Tropicana ~ Getting to the OSgrid


The OS Grid runs on software that is almost identical to Second Life. It lacks the commercialism of Second Life but makes up for it in enthusiasm and the friendly people that you will meet.

All you need to do to access this environment is download the Firestorm viewer for Opensim.  It is ok to download this version and keep your Second Life viewer separate. It shouldn't cause any conflict issues in fact you can probably run both at the  same time and be in both virtual worlds.

Once you have downloaded the viewer you can head on over to the OS Grid website and sign up for an account.

Create an account: OSgrid Registration

Grid Status Twitter:

When you first login you will have a standard avatar. You should by default land at the LBSA Plaza which is the welcome area in the OS Grid.

From here use the map to teleport to Tropicana by typing Tropicana in the map find box and then hitting teleport.

Tropicana is an adult tropical themed region so you are free dress as you wish. Naked is perfectly acceptable. This region is not suitable for minors. 

Opensim world.png

The OSGrid ~ Opensim Virtual Worlds

Tropicana Estates

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